Bones! They are everywhere! You, all by yourself, have around 206 bones! So, in a room full of people (like at church or school, or the concert)- THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF BONES! Isn't it funny, then, that we have taken something so commonplace and "everydayish", something we all have in abundance, and made them so scary? We love to be frightened by skeletons and skulls glowing in the dark or long bony fingers reaching for us and threatening to pull us down into an eternal abyss. So, why have we equated bones with our deepest, darkest fears to be brought out in all their horror on Halloween night? Maybe it's because bones are supposed to stay hidden. They are supposed to be covered by skin and muscle and sinew. If we can actually see a bone - something is terribly wrong! But, perhaps, we should change our way of thinking about bones........
Actually, bones are wonderful things! Without them we would literally fall into mushy, gooey puddles. Ugh!!! Now, that WOULD be a scary site! But, we have been blessed with big, robust bones which give us strong foundations and enable us to lead full, productive lives. Our bones hold everything in their proper places and allow our hearts, lungs and kidneys to do their important jobs. Face it, without bones, life would be a pretty miserable affair!
So, what is the point here? Sometimes, hidden things are the most important things. It is the small, seemingly unromantic things that actually hold our lives together. And, like the string that holds pearls on an elegant necklace, it is the everyday, routine, boring things that make up the very foundation of our lives. So, like being sure we have enough calcium to make our physical bones strong and healthy, we need to take care of the everyday, unexciting parts of our lives - like getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, taking time to smell the flowers, learning something new everyday, and the list goes on and on. In other words - don't forget to appreciate the "small" things in life. Big, important things are just made up of many, many small things and the stronger these "hidden" things are - the stronger we will be, too!